Episode5 WAVE5
5月27日 午後4時59分
May 27 4:59 PM
薬師寺恵: …もう機兵が持たない…
Megumi Yakushiji: Urgh… My Sentinel can't take much more of this…
It’s like that thing has a wall protecting it…
How am I supposed to damage it?
如月兎美: 大型クレーン搭載の…ハイクアッドって奴ね…
Tomi Kisaragi: Judging by the big crane… That one’s probably a Hi-Quad.
薬師寺恵: トミ…あなた…
Megumi Yakushiji: Tomi… Why are you…?
如月兎美: 何よ驚いて…コレ私の機兵なんでしょ
Tomi Kisaragi: What are you so surprised about? This is my Sentinel, isn't it?
Seriously, Megumi. I wish you'd just told me.
薬師寺恵: 謝りたかったの…
Megumi Yakushiji: I have to apologize…
If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be—
如月兎美: 文句あるのは一つだけ
おかげで…起動マーカー 押しにくいったらないわ
それより、メグミの機兵 限界でしょ…交代
Tomi Kisaragi: Look, there’s only one thing I want an apology for.
I got that switch ‘cause you shot me, right?
‘Cause like… did you have to put it on my back?
I’m gonna give myself a cramp swiping that thing.
But you gotta fall back, Megumi.
Your Sentinel’s at its limit. I’ll handle this.
薬師寺恵: いいえ…私もトミと一緒に戦うわ
Megumi Yakushiji: No, Tomi… we’ll fight together.
如月兎美: ばかね、やられたら一緒に戦うもないよ
Tomi Kisaragi: Come on, dork. What’s the point of fighting together if it gets you killed?
You gonna be dumb, or you gonna listen to your best friend?
薬師寺恵: …うん…そうだね…
Megumi Yakushiji: …Yeah, you’re right…
緒方稔二: おろ?これが…機兵のコクピットなのか…
Nenji Ogata: Wait a sec. I get it now… This thing’s the cockpit of my Sentinel!
如月兎美: …大見栄切って先に出てったのに今頃来たの?
Tomi Kisaragi: You charge out first all thumping your chest, and it took you this long to get here?
緒方稔二: 電車が止まって人混みに巻き込まれちまったんだ
Nenji Ogata: The train stopped. I got kinda lost in the crowd.
But I got this now, Kisaragi. You can hang back where it’s safer, okay?
如月兎美: アホたれ…今来たとこなのに下がるわけないでしょ
Tomi Kisaragi: I just got here, you moron. I’m not going anywhere.
緒方稔二: んで?俺がぶっとばすのはどいつよ?
Nenji Ogata: Fine, whatever. Just tell me which of these bozos I gotta trash.
薬師寺恵: …目の前の4本足よ
Megumi Yakushiji: The one with four legs, right in front of you.
Tomi’s Sentinel won't be much good against it.
But your 1st-generation Sentinel’s perfect for close combat.
如月兎美: また来たみたいじゃない?おかわり2体追加…
Tomi Kisaragi: Did they just get reinforcements? We’ve got two more threats incoming…
緒方稔二: なーに…暴れ足りなかったところだぜ
Nenji Ogata: Fine by me. I was just thinkin’ I was running out of asses to kick.
薬師寺恵: 機兵、修理出来た…もう行けるわ
Megumi Yakushiji: My Sentinel’s fixed. I can get back on the field.
Please, Tomi. Let me fight with you.
20番機兵 転送
薬師寺恵: 私が…守るから…
Megumi Yakushiji: I’ll protect you…
如月兎美: 二人組のロボット女子って…動画でバズるかな
Tomi Kisaragi: Two girls and their robots against the world. You know, we could record this and be set for life.
如月兎美: 敵が消えた…どうなってるの
Tomi Kisaragi: They all vanished… What just happened?
郷登蓮也: イージスの起動を確認、そのエリアはもう安全だ
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed. That area’s now secure.
緒方稔二: あいつは…確か1年上の…
Nenji Ogata: Hey, he’s that 2nd-year…
如月兎美: 郷登蓮也、未来人よ…私のとこよりもっと未来のね
Tomi Kisaragi: Renya Gouto. He’s from the future…
Further into the future than me.
Megumi… When we’re done with all this fighting…
We should go get some crepes.
I know a great little place near school.
薬師寺恵: うん…絶対行くよ…私
Megumi Yakushiji: …Yeah. Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
郷登蓮也: 薬師寺、区域を移動しろ、Dが進路を変えた
Renya Gouto: Yakushiji, prepare to intercept. The D-forces have changed course.